So we're down to 10 days until we have the appointment with the pediatric cardiologist. I think this is going to be a rough week, especially as we get closer to the appointment time. I am hoping for the best possible news, but I am preparing for the worst. Tough to do!
Wow, looking at that belly pic, I am really getting huge. I wonder if I'll get much bigger before I have her. I found a pic of me from when I was 31 weeks pregnant with Emma... hmm. Maybe I'll have to make a side by side comparison! I wish I had been more regular about taking belly pics with Emma, but for whatever reason I just wasn't. Could be that at 20 weeks with her we found out about the chorioangioma. Ah, to have a stress free pregnancy. I forget what that's like.
Oh, and I haven't posted one of these in a while. I think it's fun to read about what she's doing in there each week, you may or may not... but here is What to Expect When You're Expecting has to say about her this week...
Your Baby in Week 22 of Pregnancy This week, your baby weighs in at a whopping pound and measures nearly eight inches, about the size of a small doll. But your little doll (who now has eyebrows, eyelashes, and maybe even some hair on that little head) is a living one who can now perceive light and dark. She can also hear your voice, your heartbeat, your gurgling stomach, and the whoosh-whoosh of blood circulating through your body. And as her brain and nerve endings develop, she may reach for her face (or whatever she can reach) just to experiment with her newfound sense of touch.
Awe, I have a little Bella baby doll in there. She packs one heck of a kick now though! Both Jim and Steve have now felt her kick from the outside. Further validation of, who knows what, but it makes me feel good. I can't help but think she's getting stronger and stronger with every kick and that when it comes time to address her HRHS, she'll be that much better off for it.
Okay, I am off to make that comparison picture! If it's interesting in any way, I'll probably share it.
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