Tomorrow brings about the first "major" milestone I was trying to make it to, 30 weeks. From there they mention 32 and then 34. IF I am able to keep her in my tummy to 34 weeks, that is when we will deliver no matter what. I don't know what it is about magical week 34, but that seems to be the time to get baby out in a case of pPROM.
The idea of 4 more weeks on hospital bedrest is enough to make my head spin, but I am going to do everything I can for Isabella. She needs and deserves every chance she can get, it feels like we've already been through so much.
Ah yay! I just found out it's Dr. Wagner today! He's my absolute favorite peri, he cracks me the heck up! That is almost as good as the sun coming out to play. :)
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