Isabella Michele Due 7/11/2011

Monday, January 3, 2011

Finally, the second trimester!

I can't believe we made it. I mean, I thought we would, but it just seemed to take forever... then again, looking back, it flew by. Amazing how that works. So, we are 1/3 of the way through this pregnancy. Okay, that's daunting, but doable.

Here is what FF has to say about Peanut this week.

Your Baby This Coming Week
Your baby measures about 3.2 to 3.5 inches (8 to 9cm) from crown to rump and weighs about 0.9 ounces (25g). Your baby is now nourished by the placenta.

His face is developing and his cheeks and the bridge of his nose are appearing. His ears are moving from the sides of his neck to higher on his head and his eyes are moving closer together. Your baby's external genitals are now distinct and may be recognized on an ultrasound. Your baby will move away from stimuli near your tummy, such as noise and light.

Your baby's eyebrows have formed and a small amount of hair, called lanugo, has appeared all over his body. Lanugo, which will be shed before birth and replaced with the hairs with which your baby will be born, is thought to have a protective function.

Insulin is present in your baby's pancreas. Some bones may be well outlined. Your baby's thyroid gland, already developed by this week, begins to make hormones.

Baby boys begin to develop the prostate gland at this time and the ovaries of baby girls descend from the abdomen into the pelvis. 

It's amazing to me how the human body forms. An absolute miracle.

Oh, and then we have the belly pic. I don't know that there is much difference from last week, but I still look pregnant.

I can't believe how big I am.

Other than this milestone there isn't much to update. I am doing pretty darn good with the GD, and I have an Upper Respiratory Infection that is kicking my butt. But that's about it for now.

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