Isabella Michele Due 7/11/2011

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I was naughty today...

I went shopping, with money I have, but really shouldn't spend...

I bought some sleepers, some onesies, some little hats, some little pants, a Jenny Jump Up (apparently if it's pink it's Jenny not Johnny) and a Rock and Play Sleeper. Just some of the very basics from my wishlist of things to have for her.

I know, she wont be here for another 15 weeks... however, now I have some things for her. Now I have a place for her to sleep, (not a crib yet, but it'll do if I can't get one right away) things for her to wear... Heart problems or not, I am going to do everything I can to bring this little girl home and I am going to keep the faith that I will be able to bring her home. I realize I may have to wait until after surgeries and several other things. But I am not giving up and I know she wont either.

I'll post pics of the goodies in a bit, I am going to see how my Emma is feeling, she came home early from school sick.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing like getting a few little things for a little person. I bet it was real fun to do that.
