Isabella Michele Due 7/11/2011

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

26 week Dr appt. (kind of long)

I got to see Dr. Schoel today who was VERY pleased I am still pregnant and out of the hospital. She was the one who had discovered my PTL at Mercy and shipped me right to Abbott. She is to be the Doc I see now until I switch over to the Perinatal Clinic exclusively.

She preformed another Ffn test today, which should tell us if I am at risk of going into PTL again in the next two weeks. Thus far, they've been pretty accurate for me, although I am still awaiting today's test results. She did a cervix check I am 1cm dilated and 50% effaced, which is not too much worse than what I was before. Especially when you consider the number of L&D trips I have had since leaving the hospital.

Oooh and the exciting part was, I asked her about maybe running a few neglected errands today and she gave me the go ahead! So, I got my hair cut which I desperately needed, grabbed just a couple of summer maternity things because I was sweating my bum off today and got one book that I cannot seem to find anywhere in ebook format but have been wanting to re-read for a loooooong time! (I love Borders, I always have a coupon on my phone for at least 33% off!)

It felt great to be out and about and accomplish a few of the things on my list of things that I need to do. At the same time I quickly realized how much stamina I've lost in even just this first month of bedrest. I also got the "official" okay to chill in a recliner in addition to the bed as long as I actually recline, feet up and all. The idea of that excites me to no end, now if only I had a recliner. ::sigh:: lol

I'll make yet another post when I have the Ffn results later and catch up on other things that had fallen by the bedside.

Oh and I am measuring ahead still, my tummy measured 27 weeks instead of the 26 weeks that I am. :) Hopefully that means my sweet little one is packing on some pounds too. (I am still 14 lbs below pre-pregnancy weight.)

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