Isabella Michele Due 7/11/2011

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Well, I slept for a bit.

From my last post until now, off and on, I was able to sleep for a bit. I am so tired. :(

29 weeks *2* days!
Not much change, I am still spotting. My back hurts again, but I think there are other reasons for that ::eyes the bed:: and I just can't seem to stop peeing... ::eyes the IV fluids:: Oh, and one more thing... when I go to roll over at night, this thing (which has been growing for months I might add) just keeps getting in the way. I thought it might be something I ate, but nope, they tell me that is where the cutie is!

No, not cootie... cutie!  See? That photo over there? That is where I keep my Bella still! Safe, warm and growing more and more each day. Soon we will meet, but the time hasn't come quite yet.  She's a smart cookie who is giving the medicines time to work. I'm proud of my Bella girl. I am very excited to meet her, but I know she's is worth the wait.

(This post was written in a Bella friendly reading format, but it also lets you know, I am still pregnant. 29, 2 and counting.)

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