Isabella Michele Due 7/11/2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

28 weeks and big updates

Okay, so it's a couple of days late, sue me. I'm pregnant and still suffering from Dory brain, lol.

This weeks belly pic... I'm still only down 14 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight but considering I am measuring a week ahead on fundal height and have plenty of amniotic fluid I've probably technically "lost" more than the scale shows. Anyhow, the shirt looks baggy on me, but is the same size as the others I have.

Not the best pic, maybe I'll try to snap another one. The flash really puts a shadow on things. Oops.

OB appointment today. Still at 1cm dilated, however, my cervix is softening and 75% effaced. Although I think is about normal for me and pregnancy. Still getting 17P, but thankfully I've had just one nurse the past 3 times and she knows how to give the shot.

As for my belated update on last weeks appointments I'll give the bullet points as I can remember them. 4 appointments in one day is a LOT and a LOT of information lol

Fetal Echo cardiogram and meeting with the Pediatric Cardiologist Dr. Rios:

  • Bella's heart is looking fairly good considering. She still has the hypo-plastic right ventricle.
  • Her aortic arch is looking great, which is great news
  • All of her arteries, veins and valves aside from the Tricuspid are doing great
  • Her weight was estimated at 2lbs 3 oz., give or take 5 oz. 
  • She was measuring right on track with her due date
Meeting with the pediatric cardiac surgeon:
  • Dr. Moga was very straight forward, nice guy, positive attitude.
  • In light of the most recent echo cardiogram he feels we might be able to skip the first surgery
  • When Bella is born she will get an injection (I believe) of prostoglandins to keep the bypass tube that generally closes at birth open, at least initially. This may enable us to skip the first surgery.
  • Assuming I carry her to term she should only have a 1 - 3 week hospital stay, depending on whether they do the stage one or not.
  • Her chances of survival over all are greatly increased with the good news from the latest echo. She went from having a 70% chance of making it to the age of 5 to having a 93% chance of making it to the age of 5.
Meeting with the Head NICU Dr. Brasil:
  • He would like me to undergo an amnio to test Bella's chromosome 22 for any signs of DiGeorge Syndrome  which would impact her ability to fight infection. I believe doing this proactively while I am still carrying her is a great idea and gives her that much more of a chance once she's born.
  • There will be 4 - 5 people from the NICU team present at Bella's birth whether she is term or not, due to her heart condition.
  • There is a good chance I will be able to hold her after birth especially if she does well on her APGARs. If this is the case I will also be able to put her to breast right away. (This is what I am hoping for.)
  • We can dress her and hold her whenever possible while she's in NICU, although visitation rules tend to be a bit strict, it's still possible.
  • I can room in or for a fairly small fee stay at the Ronald McDonald house that is right off the NICU in the same building depending on availability.
Abbott Birthing Center:
  • Because of Bella's condition I have to deliver in an OR, whether I am having her natural or not. 
  • If she is born VBAC I can have 2 people with me, if she is c-section I can have only one.
  • Once I get the "go ahead" to visit Bella I am free to go as long as I pop in now and again for check ups until I am released. 
  • Despite all the possible issues I still get to create and follow my own birth plan as allowed by Bella's condition and my own. I am making out multiples for different situations.
  • The Perinatal group will be delivering despite my having an OB in addition. 

Whew. I think that is it for updates as far as I know. Certainly as far as I can remember for now. I am so re-assured by the news from the appointments and the fact that I have made it from 22 weeks when I first went into PTL to 28 weeks where I am now. I've carried her 6 weeks closer to our goal and despite being completely miserable on bedrest the latest fFN test from today was again negative which means I *should* be able to get at least another 2 weeks further. 

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