Isabella Michele Due 7/11/2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

17p week 4, Peanut's Heart and other things.

Okay, since this morning started off with "Put your elbows on the table" which I now laugh when I hear... I'll start my update there. I had the same nurse as last week, thankfully, she is great with the injection. It didn't even hurt and I am icing it as I write this to prevent swelling as instructed. We'll see if I get sleepy soon. I am hoping these side effects are going to taper off as my body adjusts to the extra progesterone.

Next on the list, Peanut's Nana Pat sent me a pic this morning of the new blanket she picked up for my precious sweet pea. It is SO cute and looks as soft as it is cute! I can't wait to get my hands on it to feel lol! (Yeah, I am a goofball, it's a coping thing.) Might as well post that picture here! I am full of good ideas this morning...

Peanut's new blanket! <3 Nana <3
The next thing I did is ask someone I know, who was born with and has thrived despite heart problems, to come over and talk with me today. I am hoping her peppy, spitfire self can help give me some perspective and some hope for this little one. Maybe I am worrying too much, but, is there really such a thing when it comes to something with so much potential to be utterly life altering? Especially with so many unknowns.

And, last but not least, on the subject of unknowns. I put a call into the Peri's office this morning. I asked to speak with either the Peri or the genetic counselor about the news from yesterday. I realize that from the moment the Peri walked in and said "There is an issue with your baby's heart." I went into survival mode and glossed over, I tried to listen, I looked at what he showed us... but I am still so unsure. While my goal in this is to find out more and feel better and more hopeful with the situation... I know there is a chance it could go the other way. But on the 50/50 odds I am giving the news, I am hoping it helps me cope with this better and be able to better maintain my sanity. The less anxious I am, the better it is for the baby. Right?

So, I think that is my update so far. If/when I hear back from the Peri's office.. I hope to post some more complete and hopeful news here on Peanut's heart.

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