Isabella Michele Due 7/11/2011

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I got a guitar!

And thus far.. I've learned the first 8 - 12 notes of Bella's Lullaby to play for Peanut. Not a tremendous feat by any means. But it isn't too bad either considering I've never played guitar in my life. :)

I just hope I can learn the whole song well enough to play it confidently for Peanut when she's little. Although I guess she's already hearing my practice sessions. lol Hopefully those don't scare her away from guitar music. I figure I can learn this and maybe a few easier lullabies to play for her around the time she's born. Or, that is my goal at least.

Reading guitar tabs is interesting. It's like trying to fly in a flight simulator with the directions being opposite of the way you try to go. Going from one string to the next is backward(ish) of the way I would imagine it to be when reading the tabs. I'll adjust I'm sure.

Anyhow, I am excited by this, so I thought I'd share.

My new guitar. Nothing great, but it works!

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