Isabella Michele Due 7/11/2011

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Watching the Sunrise

I woke up this morning feeling even better than I did yesterday. Looking down... pregnant still? Yep. Looking outside seeing the blues, pinks and purples of the sky, looking forward to another sunny day. ::sigh:: Then I remember it's another sunny day... in the hospital.

Bella updates, not a whole lot. She's still hanging out in there, growing and hopefully getting ready for the world. She's been a tough cookie so far and both of her strips looked great yesterday. Her kicks are starting to get increasingly painful, which is great. The more they hurt, the stronger she is. (That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.) Last week my goal was to make it to 30 weeks. I managed that. My new goal is to make it to 32 weeks. I refuse to make goals any further out than that and I find reassurance in each hour, each day that passes with her still growing.

I do my morning things, quickly pop open my laptop and there is a message from mom. Emma had her first soccer practice ever last night and she did great. Talk about bitter sweet. I should have been there. I am fortunate that Grandma had the picture taking mindset or I'd have missed it completely. It looks like Emma enjoyed it, but I really don't know if she did or not. I haven't even gotten to talk to her yet after her practice. (Okay, falling into the poor me pit... climbing back out of that right now.) So, bitter sweet. I am THRILLED that Emma *finally* chose something to be a part of, we've been encouraging her for years.

Best number ever! <3 7 <3
So, as far as I know that is it for updates today. Less and less seems to be happening the longer I am here in the hospital. Exciting stuff I tell you! lol I do plan to request a growth scan for little miss Bella. I want to know how she's coming along and I don't think that is unreasonable. I know it can be off, but a general idea that she's thriving despite lack of fluid... I feel is reasonable.

Talking and dribbling. Ain't no thang.

Practice is tiring, need... a... drink! 

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